Quote Originally Posted by Predatorxs
Do you mean like a big sticker?!? thats kind of funny, i buy alot of stuff (Nintendo / snes) from the US and i bought a few nintendo logo vinyl stickers (awhile bak) but if i use them i'll need to use the letters only and not the hoop that goes around the letters. the nintendo would fit just nicely!!

But if you mean a small sticker i get what your saying, also i could paint the little ninny logo white, just the letters and the hoop!!

I'd luv to do something with a few leds like maybe put some inside the cart slot so once the game is plugged in and the snes switched on you'd get a glow coming from out of the snes cart slot and it'd light up the game pak as well.

Would only really work in dark rooms!! lol.. But if the led(s) were bright enuff and say maybe in red or blue it would look pretty cool..

Am i taking this snes modifing alittle to far :P
I love your paintjob by the way, I'm really tempted to do that to mine also.

As for the LEDs...I don't thing this would be too hard to do! All you have to do is snip on of the leads to the power LED run a wire to the cart slot, hook up a few LEDs in series and run another wire to the other side of the snipped power LED lead!

In theory, that should work.

Any thoughts on this?