Now i can't dispute the original topic starters list since i have never played all the games on the list. But this is my own personal top 25.
These are just the games i liked the most from when i was a kid. I have not played some of these games since then. Only a few of them. This is by no means meant to the best games for the system. I had a different mind set 27 years ago on what was a good game and a bad game.

These are in order of my most favorite and most played

1. Burger Time: The game packed in with my Intellivision II. The game i played the most of all the games i owned. I recently bought this again and broke all my old records.

2. Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball or NBA Basketball: Me and a friend wore these 2 games out. If we wanted more of a NBA feel we would throw in Slam Dunk and if wanted more of a college feel we would play NBA. Slam Dunk was ahead of it's time with being able to draft your own players.

3. Body Slam Super Pro Wrestling: A personal favorite of mine since i am such a huge wrestling fan. Also another game way ahead of it's time. Picking your own move set and even the ability to Sim your own matches. This was even better than the Nes wrestling games in my opinion. And i am a fan of those too.

4. Astrosmash: My Avatar should speak for itself. A combination of Asteroids and Space Invaders. I didn't have an Atari so this was the next best thing. I remember playing this for over an hour straight once as a kid.

5. Shark! Shark!: Simple fun game, eat the fish, kill the shark.

6. Beauty & the Beast: A fun Donkey Kong clone. I liked it better than DK because i was actually good at this game. I sucked at DK. I could have fun either trying to break my high score, or getting to the top of the building and falling off on purpose.

7. Thunder Castle: Awesome music, addicting gameplay. Kind of like if Pac-Man was an Adventure game.

8. Tron Deadly Discs: It's like a futuristic game of Dodge Ball. I have seen a review lately that said the Atari version, even though has worse graphics plays smoother and faster. I'm interested in checking it out.

9. Snafu: Maybe one of the most simplistic games ever made and still one of the funnest. Should rank up there with Tetris. I remember having fun just watching the computer play and just seeing who would win. Could be a good betting game like Horse Racing.

10. Night Stalker: I guess this is kind of like Bezerk for the Atari. I don't really have any comments. Just a great game.

11. Super Pro Football: As you can tell i played alot of sports games. My memories of this game aren't as good as others but i do remember playing it a lot with my friend.

12. World Chmpionship Baseball: No comment, just great game

13. Diner: It's the sequel to Burgertime. This game was fun but hard.

14. Centipede: I have no idea how it compares to other console versions but Centipede was my favorite game in the arcade and this was as close as i could get at home so i loved it.

15. Boxing: I know your gonna say this game sucked but i remember having a lot of fun against my friend playing this.

16. Loco Motion: I loved this game but i also sucked at it. I really need to get this again and see how well i am at it today.

17. Lock 'n' Chase: This is a game i was better at as a kid.

18. Skiing: I was real good at this as a kid.

19. Frog Bog: Catching Flies is fun.

20. Poker & Blackjack: Ya i know i can play this on the computer on any site, but this version is still classic.

21. Motocross: Create your own tracks, enough said.

22. He-Man: I love games that has levels where each one is different than others, example being Thunder Castle.

23: Auto Racing: They did a good job with the illusion that your car was going super fast with the rumbling noise and shaking of the screen.

24: Atlantis: I debated this or Demon Attack. Maybe a tie but i think i played this more.

25: Super Pro Hockey: I loved all the sports games

Games i almost added were
Buzz Bombers
Demon Attack
Chip Shot Super Pro Golf

And one game i thought i owned but only have the faintest memories of is Mission X. I am almost positive i owned it but would need to play it again someday to make sure.

Games i never played for the Intellivision but would like to get.

Tropical Trouble
Triple Action
Stadium Mud Buggies
Spiker! Super Pro Volley Ball
Tower of Doom
The Dreadnaught Factor