Rez w/ trance vibrator is sweet, it really ups the feeling of being inside the game to have that think thumping away against your chest or wherever you put it (ladies... get your mind outta gutter...)

Cho Aniki: Legend of the Holy Protein is all kinds of awesome, probably the best in the series. My only complaint is it's a lot less homoerotic than the other titles. Sorry, but that kinda craziness is why I play Cho Aniki.

Sega Ages: Phantasy Star I, II & Collection - These are all great. I & II are a bit tough to play without knowing Japanese but if you are familiar enough w/ the english versions, you can get through them, and it's fun to see the way they remade everything.

There's a great Goemon for the PS2. If you're a fan of the series, it's worth picking up.

Code Age Commanders is a highly playable Action-RPG from Squeenix.

I also love Tales of Destiny 2. This is the actual sequel to the first Tales of Destiny, not simply the renamed Tales of Eternia.

Let me know if you're looking for PS1 recommendations too. Since, you know, the PS2 can play those as well.