
I got 4:3 LCD TV in my room and I did find some issues with playing my NES on it. Btw. my NES is NTSC and all games are also NTSC.

This is the model of TV that I got: http://images.ox.ee/0/8/3/99605.jpg

Just to mention, all games run without any problems but I encountered minor glitches on two games.

For example:

Super Mario Bros. 3. - When I fire it up, it's all OK no problems but when I start first level in on the left side of screen there is white horizontal line like picture should be indent a bit to the left. Here is example:


This white space on left side is the same as it is on my screen, also Mario can walk to it but he stops when encounters that white line that means it's (for TV) end of the screen (imaginary?)

Ninja Gaiden - When cutscene plays for example - first cutscene where Ryu's fighter duels - there is nothing like this but only small horizontal blue line that is visible on left side of screen.

Super Mario Bros 1 - Almost the same thing as for Super Mario Bros 3. but more minor, very little.

When I try to play it on "regular TV" (the bulky ones that has catode in it, to be more precise that has big "hunch" in the back - standard TV) there is no of this issue so the problem is in the TV obvious.

On my LCD TV I don't have too much options but when I change aspects to 4:3, 16:9 or auto - it remains the same.

I did try couple of more options but no luck

If you want - I can take picture of this so you can all see how it looks like.

Other games like Castlevania series and etc. dosen't have any of these problems.

Also to mention, SNES console and the SNES games dosen't have any of these problems.

Anyone has experience with this kind of stuff? Can I fix this in any way? Or just take it as it is and try not to be bothered by it too much?

If you need any more explanation of issue or information please tell me and I will do my best to present it in better way.


Hey people, I got SCART input on my TV - maybe this would help solve the problem - http://cgi.ebay.com/NES-Game-Console...item23034c3671 ?

Also, can someone tell me how using SCART makes picture more "crispy and better" because then I would invest in one for SNES too. Please advise me.


Thank you very much!