Quote Originally Posted by Lewton View Post
The thing that's ridiculous is that I've been collecting for years now, so I've got loads of the games, both obscure, 'classic', old and new. But, the collecting completely took over the playing, so I know I'll never ever play the whole bunch. Prioritising is the problem - too many tasty temptations. I'm no spring chicken either - not old, but not young either.

I suppose that's the case with all collector-players. Every time I find an oldy but goody I abandon my plan of which game to play next. It's flippin' frustrating though ........ but in a nice way, ya know?! Gawd! I'm sad!
Adventure games can be like book reading (although I'm not really into it). Every time you start one its a commitment. As average or below average as it might be, you usually feel compelled to finish it once you start it. Obviously the good ones you can't stop playing to see what happens next, but sometimes they just seem to end too quickly.

Back in the days of King's Quest (and other Roberta Williams titles like Colonel's Bequest, the Dager of Amon Ra), Space Quest, LSL, Hero's Quest, the Lucasarts gems (MI, Grim Fandango, Loom, etc...) and the like, it seemed plausible to keep up playing each one as they came out. Now, however, there seems to be a huge backlog of great mainstream titles and many independents (foreign and domestic).

I know many have recommended or referenced titles so far...and it sounds like between all of us the landscape is pretty much covered...but any recommendations of obscure or overlooked titles is greatly appreciated.

I will mention a couple decent ones that get overlooked:

Altered Destiny
Innocent Until Caught
Backpacker: The Lost Florence Gold Mine

Also be sure to check out this site if you haven't already (this site was formerly known as four fat chicks) but has a great review archive of classic and modern adventure titles: