Quote Originally Posted by FABombjoy View Post
You don't need no steenkin' pictures

Find the pinout for the main IC, the one that outputs the composite video, I don't remember which one it is offhand.

Disconnect & lift the pin that outputs composite video

Follow it's trace to the next component. Lift the component leg / cut the trace (if it's a junction). Solder a wire from IC to that next component. Keep the wire away from other things as much as possible.

Let us know if it works, and 'lol good luck'
AHA! Just figured out why I'm lost here. See, the reason that I "AV Modded" this here Famicom was because the original model only output RF Modulation .

This "MOD" that I did to it was to enable a composite video output. I built the circuit that does composite video. So I can't change the famicom's composite output-- It doesn't HAVE one! ^^

Okay, any other suggestions