Quote Originally Posted by Kid Ice View Post
You've got a point there.

I think instead of simply beating someone up, I'll drop everything I'm doing now, and focus all my energies and resources on ruining the life of a teenage boy (or preferably a grown man posing as a teenage boy). First, I'll hire a couple young toughs to make him enter himself in a Street Fighter 3 tournament at the store. Then I can teach him how to play Street Fighter 3 by smashing his fists directly against the glass of the TV screen. As he does this I will howl with laughter. Then I'll buy Nick dozens of stores to create a Next Level franchise.

(btw the baby's sick again so it's possible none of this crap will happen)
Yeah, lol, name it "The real Karate Kid" underfed, punk ass kid that is taught nothing by a useless drunk. He ends up learning all of his skills from watching Kung Fu movies, but gets his ass handed to him in the tourney, because he was practicing with a over-size stuffed animal.

By the way, I'll be kick'n it this Saturday, catch ya'll there.