Quote Originally Posted by Ed Oscuro View Post
Oh, I want to get in on this too!

Anyhow, unless somebody here swears by compressed air on the cartridge, I don't really see the utility of this step. Nobody that I know of uses compressed air on a NES cartridge, and it's not really appropriate for your control group...

As usual, Flack writes what I was thinking but more elegantly. I really just don't see the point of attempting to prove what we all know must happen in an expensive and painful test process.

I think Frankie should do what his handle says: sit back, crack open a cold one, and stop worrying about NES carts. If somebody wanted to prove that blowing on NES games isn't harmful or even beneficial, they'd be abusing science to attempt to justify a bad habit.

p.s. Guys, in other news I am going to smoke a whole pack of cigarettes right now to prove that it won't hurt my lungs years from now.


You're kidding right?

It's neither of the above ... it's mostly good clean (and by clean I mean potentially gross and moldy) fun!!

And as far as me relaxing ... I pose this question ... who is over-reacting more :

me doing a neat little analog science experiment to see if a near-legendary toaster NES quick-fix is as damaging as I suspect it is ...

... OR ...

... people taking the time to bust my chops over it?

Seriously guys. This is just a bit o' fun. Let's all enjoy it, no?

I'm even SURE that the Gyro Robo carts will be rescuable even if they do get a bit on the messy side.