Quote Originally Posted by bcks007 View Post
the IRATE Gamer, is another great video gamer reviewer, in fact i would say, i like his videos better then the Angry Video Game Nerd, just barely i guess.


Anybody seen his stuff? Yes its tad on the copy side, buts its very good, and not nearly as much cussing.
While there are currently, and have been in the past, discussion threads about this Irate Gamer ... I ALWAYS have to ask people who think he's good if not better : how the hell can you watch something that - no, not like your description describes, not a "tad" but BLATANTLY, SHAMELESSLY rips off every single thing that AVGN does.

Everything from his "name" to his theme song, right down to the room that he stands in ... I mean, doesn't that strike you as a wee bit, I don't know ... pathetic?

It's pretty obvious that he loves what James was doing so much so, that he's hoping to catch unsuspecting viewers that have never seen the AVGN's "shtick" and trick them into thinking that he was the originator.

There's really nothing more shameless than stealing material from another performer.