Wow... these are pretty tough. I dont know what games they are from but if we can nail the sound to a certain system we can guess from there.

2 - I agree this is certainly a NES game

4 - This is probably a Turbo Grafx or a Snes game. Pretty sure its not Genesis.

5 - Sounds very Shadow Hearts-ish. Its not SH 1 or 2 but maybe part 3 though... I havent played 3 all the way through so I cant rule it out.

7 - This HAS to be a Falcom game. Falcom's JDK band is un-mistakable. The question is what system sound chip this is. It doesnt sound good enough to be SNES or the Genny and the Turbo Grafx Falcom games were on CD and mostly Red Booked. Although a few areas in the games did use the turbo grafx sound chip instead. It also sounds pretty impressive to be the NES, but maybe it is. But I am almost certain it is not Y's I or II. Here is my best guess.

NES - Y's III or Faxanadu.

Turbo Grafx - Y's III or IV, Legend of Xanadu I or II, or Brandish

If this turns out not to be a Falcom game or a game that Falcom's JDK band did the music for, I will sereiously begin to question everything I have ever thought to be true. So for my sake THIS HAD BETTER BE A FALCOM GAME!!! lol