For some reason, I always thought Dreamcast was region-free. Of course, I never tried the copy of Biohazard: Code Veronica I had in the 2 years I owned it (being a game collector and being verry busy don't mix. I think I've played about an 1/8th of my collection). So I finally did try it last night after reading about the DC converters mentioned here and naturally it didn't work. Perhaps I was thrown off by its abilities to play burned CDs as I have a copy of Capcom vs SNK 2 on a burned disc that runs perfectly. Maybe it was just wishful thinking. Oh well. It just means yet another converter I need to get.

Does anyone know which Game Genies, Action Replays and GameSharks truly work as converters, either by personal experience or reviews on the 'net? The fewer converters I need to buy to start enjoying import games, the better.