this is the only information I have been able to find on connecting the wii online. My situation is that a wired router is located on the floor below me and wires have been run through the wall in order for me to go online with my 360 and PS3. I'm just wondering if I will be able to use this lan connector without having to run more wires through the wall (because I don't want to do that much work just to go online with another system.) All I have is an ethernet cable comming out of my floor, and I connect that cable to whichever system I decide I want to go online with. If I connected a wireless router to the end of that ethernet cable will I be able to do the wii connect 24 or would I have to set it up with a computer. All I'm basically looking to do is plug and play right now without having to make more investments (i think having ps3, wii, and 360 with a bunch of games is as much as i wanna invest right now).