I dunno if it's just my copy or if it's the game itself, but my copy of Me and My Katamari for PSP has some really bad audio glitches. For most of the levels the audio won't play at all, and sometimes it finally starts up in the middle of the level and is really choppy and warped. I didn't get a chance to ask my co-worker - who is the only person I currently know personally who owns the game - before he got fired, so I dunno if it's a glitch or a defective copy. That's the most recent example I can think of, I can't remember anything else off the top of my head.

Although while I was still at GameStop I learned that the 360 versions of Major League Baseball 2K6 froze up if you saved it on the hard drive. You have to save it on the memory unit or else your game will screw up and/or get erased.