*Joe put me to task on this, can someone stickify this.*

UPDATED March 1st: Updated all previously listed games with big four standings. Next update will add more games to the lists.

This is the work-in-progress modern rarity guide. Unlike other guides, games won't be rated on a scale. Instead, games will be divided into three catagories.

1. Games that are confimred rare. Hard to find, limited production, etc all qualify games for ths catagory. Although fetching a high price on Ebay does not.

2. Games that are unconfirmed to be rare. They MIGHT be, but we have no solid proof on it. A game that seems hard to find but shows up frequently on auction sites, or can still be bought at several online retailers or local chains in large cities is what gets you into this catagory.

3. Not Rare. Games that are often regarded as being rare but really aren't.

This is a work in progress, so all observations and insight are not only welcome but requested. If you can provide info on production runs (specific numbers hopefully), sales figures, release dates, stuff like that to either confirm a game rare or not, then please provide the information. Speculation is ok if you have some form of proof to back it up. If a game rarely appears on Ebay or if many major game distbutors don't carry it.

Please don't get upset if a game is in a different catagory then what you think it should be in. This is a group effort that will be ongoing. I (or a moderator or Joe or whoever is handy) will update the list as needed. Thank you, and enjoy the lists.

*Note, as information for games is provided, discriptions will be added to explain why a game is or isn't rare. Such discriptions will be below each game and bracketed with stars, like this paragraph.*

$Note, since the most common way to debunk whether or not a game is rare or not is to list a varity of stores where the game is for sale, the dollar sign ($) will be used to show which 'big four major online retailers carry each game. The big four stores are as follows: CircuitCity.com, BestBuy.com, EBworld.com, and Gamestop.com.$

Playstation 2

Disney's PK: Out of the Shadows (Confirmed)
*Limited release, instant budget title.*
$EBWorld.com (used), BestBuy.com (14.95... snag it now)$

Grandia 2 (Not Rare)
*Limited quanities upon release. Wide release since*
$EBWorld.com, Gamestop.com (used)$

Guilty Gear X (Confirmed)
*Very low print run, far less then any main stream PS2 game.*
$EBWorld.com (used), Gamestop.com (used)$

Mad Maestro! (Unconfirmed)
*Possible wide release since becoming a budget title*

Metropolismania (Not Rare)
$EBworld.com, BestBuy.com$

Mr. Mosquito (Unconfirmed)
*Possible wide release since becoming a budget title. Uncommon maybe.*
$Ebworld.com (used), Gamestop.com (used)$

Rez (Not Rare)
*Reissued as a "Greatest Hits" title.*

Ring of Red (unconfirmed)
$Ebworld.com, Gamestop.com (used)$

X Box

Air Force Delta Storm (unconfirmed)
*Possible recall*

Kakuto Chojin (unconfimred)
*Recall issued on game. Re-Release is possible.*

Outlaw Golf: 9 Holes of Xmas (unconfirmed)
*Exclusively for sale at Blockbuster Video or at Toys 'R Us during the 2002 holiday season.*

Sneakers (unconfirmed)
*Exclusive to Toys 'R Us*

Steel Battalion (confirmed)
*Confirmed to have limited quanities by Capcom, est. between 5,000 to 10,000 copies.*
$Best Buy.com, EBWorld.com, Gamestop.com for 199.99 each$

Nintendo Gamecube
Cubivore (Confirmed)
*Estimated pressing of between 5,000 and 20,000*

Disney's PK: Out of the Shadows (Confirmed)
*Limited release, instant budget title*

Evolution Skateboarding (Unconfirmed)
*More like Uncommon... still too soon to call *

Gamecube Preview Disc (Not Rare)
*Well over 100,000 copies were made. Despite Nintendo's stance that the game isn't supposed to be for sale, it is being sold at most major retailers. The disc was also given out at E-3 in 2003. Of note, the game was originally sold for $9.99, but now most places are selling it for $39.99.*

NCAA Basketball 2K3 (confirmed)
*Limited quanities, possible recall though unconfirmed*

Phantasy Star Online 1 & 2 (not rare)
*Some larger chains like Best Buy or Target didn't stock the game initally.*

Sega Soccer Slam (unconfirmed)
$Gamestop.com (used)$

Ultimate Muscle (unconfirmed)
*Many larger chains are not carrying this game at this time, although that will likely change given the popularity of the cartoon series*

Zoocube (Confirmed)
*Limited print run*
$EBworld.com (used)$