I started out with a PS2 then was very into Xbox for a couple years and even owned a couple Gamecubes at one time but I always seemed to go back to the PS2.
Sure Weve all heard and read the rants about how faulty and unreliable the PS2's have been I myself have had only one with the dreaded DRE so I guess I count myself lucky even though Im on my third and LAST PS2 the online kit with the IR built in is quite doesnt get hot and works like a champ even though it is not yet a year old.
Heres why I finally decided on the PS2 as my favorite gaming choice in this Generation.

first:I would constantly find myself picking up a PS2 game everytime I went game hunting even when I owned all 3 current systems at one time.
There was just so much more choice in the game selection especially when it came to looking at the dismal selection that my once luved Gamecube had to offer.
Sure I liked my Xbox becuase many of the Multi-ports looked SLIGHTLY better than the PS2 or cube versions but after a couple years the only multiport game that I was really blown away with as far as difference goes was Splinter Cell.
after a year of owning all 3 major systems I saw my Gamecube collecting dust (until Metroid Prime 2 and RE4 anyway) and my Xbox was gettin a slight glitchy so I would always pick up a few PS2 games and maybe one Xbox or GC game within a months time.

Then there is the fact that all my other friends own PS2's either for themselves or for their kids.
If I wanted to borrow or trade any games all anyone had was PS2
then month after month the PS2 would have at least one triple A title being released for it not so often for the Xbox and the Gamecube was turning sloooowly into another N64 wich I NEVER thought that the big N would let happen but it did and was right before my eyes.
Both the Xbox and the Gamecube had much to offer for CERTAIN types of games but with the PS2 I could play all my favorite PSone games as well as just about everything else except Halo , Zelda and my fav METROID and zelda was stil faaaar away and I never was a very big Halo fan.

Eventually BOTH my Xbox and Gamecube started dust collecting as Their new hobby
and everytime I would sit down for a gaming session my PS2 would be fired up becuase I had sooo many games to play and many yet to finish or even start.

Then theres the Graphics argument I bought an Xbox for this reason alone I was convinced that it would deliver faaar superior graphics when compared to PS2 and Gamecube and in a very few instances it did just that but not to the point were I was like ok now I dont need a PS2 or GC becuase the Xbox is the chosen one
I had never been a graphics whore anyway I was just very enthusiastic about what the Xbox might deliver that the other 2 couldnt well in my opinion that never TRULY happened.
I play games like Metal Gear Solid 3 and Onimusha 3 on PS2 and they look just as beautiful as RE4 on GC or Halo on Xbox even though they are different in artistic aspects.
Im even surprisingly hopeful for the PS2 port of RE4

In my opinion all of the current-gen systems are great and delivered on MOST of their respective promises (some moreso than others)
I just wish I would have stuck with one instead of bouncing between the 3 for so long I would have a LOT more PS2 games and it would have been MUCH easier on my wallet

Poll added

also excuse the typo on the Xbox vote ive been awake for like 24 hours