As the title says, Japanese Gaming is finally alive again. As some people know, IGN/Gamespy was hacked in a very malicious way late last year. As a result, they disabled all CGI except PHP. As JG was originally coded in Perl, the site became impotent, requiring me to rewrite everyting in PHP. I actuallly resurrected the site a few weeks ago, and only recently got everything back in line. I have, however, made some big improvements which were released just last night.

-A graphical facelift that will surely make a few people want to touch themselves.
-Added the translation section. This is where I will translate articles and interviews. Only has 4 entries now, but will surely grow.
-New systems added to the Yahoo Japan Auction Assistant. You can now search MegaDrive, Saturn, SuperFamicom, PC-Engine (inlucding CDs and SGX games), PC-FX, and NeoGeo (Rom & CD)
-Quite a few flyers added to the flyer section
-Depending on the last time you looked, some pretty cool items in the promo section.

The old portal, which for some reason I didn't update, is still up: <-- EDIT: B/c I lost my password to the FTP server that it's on!
