Ok gang, as promised, here's the melon at the end of the trailer park! Don't ask me where the hell that came from...

Anyway, here's what I'm gonna need, and I'm open to ideas as well. In short, I'm planning a strategy guide section for the online rarity lists. I plan to include every guide made from Atari to present. But there's NO way I'll find em all on my own so I'm gonna need a bit of support from everyone that's willing. Here's the data I'm asking for:

Strategy guide title - the complete title, including any extraneous text such as "the unofficial" or whatever else they deem necessary to print

Publisher of the guide (Sandwich Islands, Prima, Brady, etc.)

Extras - detailed list of any extras that came with the guide (posters, CDs, maps, stickers, tattoos, etc)

Format - Is the guide Hardcover? Softcover? Black & White? Color? Glossy?

Author(s)? - What's the name of the author or editor? Almost forgot this..thanks Vectorman0!

Platforms - Is the guide multiplatform? If so...which platforms? Thanks again to Vectorman0!

Any other pertinent details you may think are necessary would also be appreciated, such as if the guide was mail order only, etc. I want the maximum data possible.

For simplicity, please keep the data as streamlined as possible...as I'm gonna be sorting through THOUSANDS of entries! For the Format section:

HC = Hardcover
SC = Softcover
B&W = Black & White
G = Glossy
C = Color

If you can think of any other distinguishers, let me know. I thought about adding "Squarebound" but most softcover strategy guides are squarebound anyway, so it's kind of overkill.

Anyway, what I would like anyone willing to help to do is email me a list of EVERY guide they personally own at first. Once I get the main part of the guide databased, I'll be asking for people to help fill in the gaps with more obscure titles, etc. I may later on be needing photo verification of some of the more obscure guides, but I don't want that at this time.

Please email all submissions to strategyguides@gmail.com so I can consolidate them in one email account. There is not enough PM space for me to take PMs about this section!

If you wish to talk to me via IM, here are my available contact handles:

AIM: maxlords01
ICQ: 23188772
MSN: maxlords@hotmail.com

I'm really looking forward to this project, and any help will be greatly appreciated! Let's pull it together for another DP first! Please post any and all general thoughts about formatting, questions, etc, here in this thread (or forum) and we'll get underway! Let's do it!