I asked about this in a reply to another thread, but don't think anyone saw it, so I'll make a new one.

The refurbished XBox I got from EB a few days ago did'nt have a manual with it, so I'm trying to find out what video and audio options I have with this thing.

First, I don't see a Optical plug like the PS2 does. There IS this strange plug on the back of the XBox, but no clue what it's for. Can anyone clear these points up?

Second, does the unit have Dolby Digital and/or Pro Logic II support out of the box? I just have it plugged into the AV plugs on my selector switch.

Third, the front of one of the game manuals I have say that in order to get Dolby Digital I need to have either the 'XBox Advanced AV Pack' or the 'XBox High Def AV Pack'. I saw the Advanced AV pack at EB -- it looked like it just had the A/V and S-Video connectors on it, nothing more. Do I REALLY need the Advanced AV pack to get the best sound? I have a 5.1 speaker system that can support both of those. Does the only thing the High Def Pack include is support for high def TV's? I did'nt see one of those in the store.

I've allready gone into the XBox menu and put the sound on Dolby Digital but I'm not really sure if it's working or not. I'm sure ONE of the games I have with the system must support it (Shenume II, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Gun Valkrie, and DOA Extreme Beach Volleyball).

Thanks in advance for the help!