My first Mac game ever was a little-known graphic adventure game by Infocom called Arthur (it was basically a text-based adventure with graphics attached to it). I don't remember it that well (trying to find it online was pointless; besides, even if I did find it, I'd also need to download the documentation that was required to advance at all in the game). Unfortunately, that game pretty much stopped working shortly after I got it, because my parents had upgraded the SE/30 from System 6 to System 7 (and not long after, they replaced the SE/30 with a IIcx, which I still have).

Other games I got in my early Mac days (circa early-to-mid 1990) were Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, When in Time is Carmen Sandiego and SimEarth (version 1.0). I still have all three games with their boxes and all, but the diskettes got data rot. Besides, in the case of the Carmen Sandiego games, I'd have to use a Mac emulator to run them (my old 350MHz iMac w/ OS 9.1 is too fast for these games, making them crash).

You know, it's interesting how these early pre-CD, pre-Internet games used books or printed documents as a sort of copy protection (you'd have to type the word on top of page xxx of the 1991 World Almanach, for example).

So, among you Macheads, what was your first game, and what year was it?