It's hard to believe that it's already been 10 years but a decade ago today Microsoft launched what has without a doubt been their very best console. I didn't pick mine up until 2009 but it quickly became apparent to me that this system was going to be an instant classic. While previous systems had added features such as the ability to play cds or dvds, the 360 was the first(to my knowledge) to go full multimedia hub, allowing you to stream and watch movies/tv and listen to music via apps or disc, browse the web and of course play games too.

Despite some early hardware issues, which they eventually over came with various revisions, Microsoft constantly improved upon an already great system, adding larger hard drives, more reliable hardware, built-in wireless and more apps than we would ever have time to use. And also arguably the best line-up of last gen. Well not arguably to me but for some people.

The 360 had a lot going for it but my three favorite things were:

1.) the achievement/gamer score system, an ingenious way to take bragging rights and seemingly meaningless task to new levels

2.) the party system, which made it possible for me to be playing Halo while chatting with one friend watching Netflix, another listening to a cd, another playing Uno, another uploading pictures and yet another watching porn on the browser

3.) the games: Alan Wake, Shadow Complex, Halo series, Gears of War series, Left 4 Dead series and hundreds more of first and third party games, including lots of awesome multi-platform games

The Xbox One may still be searching for it's identity but the Xbox 360 will always represent a high mark for Microsoft's video game console ambitions.