Today, 9.9.14, marks the 15th year anniversary of the US Dreamcast launch, FF VIII and it also marks the 20th (wow, time flies!) anniversary of Mortal Kombat II hitting game consoles (SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear).

Post your memories, nostalgic stories and/or rants here for any of these, or all of 'em if you like!

For me, the big one was MK II, as my bro and I bought it immediately on MORTAL FRIDAY right after school. It's the only game I can recall vividly us buying on the day it came out. It was such a good port at the time, and even today I feel it holds up extremely well. The AI is cheap, but it's a blast going up against a human player. Crazy to think it was 20 years ago today. The forest stage with the growling trees is still one of my most favorite stages in a fighting game even to this day. I can still hear the growls in my mind; it's a sound effect that's been embedded in my gaming heart due to the endless hours my brother and I devoted to MK II in the fall of 1994. Good times.