Picked this up for a few bucks at a yard sale about 5 years ago. Never played it, just tossed it in a box of gaming stuff and forgot about it. Fast forward to now, I'm finally going through some of these old boxes and selling off some of the random stuff I have accumulated over time. I was going to list it on eBay, but while doing some eBay searches for a good "Buy it Now" price, I couldn't find another one like it. I did some more looking online and really couldn't come up with anything through Google either. I've derived a few theories of my own, but was wondering if anyone knows what the deal with the weird color combination is. This is what I've come up with so far...

1) System was a limited edition color. Extremely unlikely, since I cant find another like it online.

2) System has been custom painted by a previous owner. Unlikely as well, as from everything that I can tell, the black stripe does not appear to be a paint job. I tried scraping it off with my fingernail, and didn't see any type of resulting damage.

3) System spent most of it's life in a Nintendo Game Boy Color store kiosk. I did find a couple of online images of the Game Boy Color kiosks, and it appears that the black lines could be a good match for the metal "holster" that tethered the game boy to the kiosk. I didn't see any really high resolution images of the kiosk, but this scenario seems to make the most sense to me. The only thing is, that is a pretty big difference in color contrast between the blue/purple and the black line down the middle.