I have been looking for this game for years, and I mean years. I can only remember certain things from it, but if you've played it before, please say so! :)

Okay, this is what I can remember.

"You can pick between three people/cyborgs. One is a very tall fella' that can pick up enemies and throw them, one is a female with a red suit and red hair, and the last is a male and he wields some blades on his arms. Oh, and he can do a somersault. Some of the enemies are wielding machete's and are wearing blue and green jumpsuits. The final boss is a midget in an armani suit. And you fight in different places, like a metro, on a train etc etc. Oh, and you start the entire game infront of the metro, I believe."

That's really all I can remember. If anyone's ever heard of it, please tell! :)
