Holy carp-bot, a new Mega Man game called Mega Man CrossOver!


The short description: it is a "social RPG" for iOS (requires iPhone 3GS or newer hardware) taking place in a "new" Mega Man universe which is supposed to star all the major Mega Man heroes and villains. Basically, all the big bads (Wily, Sigma, etc.) have, in this reality, converged their respective realities all into one place for some evil plot or other. Dr. Light, Dr. Cossack, and their crew have created a "production line" class of new Mega Mans (men?) to stop this menace.

Players play as these mass-produced Megas, gaining levels as they defeat enemies and such. The game is played with the touch screen using virtual action buttons on the right side including jump, shoot, and special. Graphics are like those from the iOS Mega Man X remake. See the above link for screenshots of the stages and enemies, the logo, and a new Mega Man artwork. It is being created by Japanese (presumably CAPCOM) staff.

Thoughts? I am personally glad there's a new Mega Man game (One which isn't just a cameo for a change. *sigh*), but I won't be buying nor playing Mega Man CrossOver. Based on these screen captures, it is one of those running games - you know the genre, where your player character just keeps automatically moving forward and all your can control are actions like jump, duck, or shoot but not its movement. Even more worryingly, it looks like the stages are randomly generated and simple, with no walls and no ceilings. Also the game has an AutoPlay button and that is never reassuring. And I think "social RPG" is marketing jargon for, "take forever to level up with repetitive stages and enemies unless you buy our In-App Purchases."

But who knows? It could fun as a free mobile game you just flick on for a few minutes while waiting in a lobby or to pass the time until a movie starts.