We are having a little tournament series. It is called "THIS GAME Needs to be Remade for Modern Consoles" or TGNRMC for short.

How the tourney period works: Two games will go mano-a-mano per thread with people voting for their favorite. The winners of each bracket will face off against the other winners in the following brackets until only the winning "champion game" remains.

The rules: There will be one tourney match per day until a final winner is decided. All "champion games" are ineligible for future "THIS GAME Needs to be Remade" tournaments.


This thread is for voting between River City Ransom and Zombies Ate My Neighbors.

Quote Originally Posted by retroman View Post
River City Ransom needs a update
Quote Originally Posted by Collector_Gaming View Post
I think I am the only one in this world that thinks this. But I feel Zombies Ate My Neighbors needs a remake. Bring it up to fps status. 2nd person. 3rd person whatever.. Full 3d nice graphics. I personally have been told I am crazy for it but I could actually see it being a serious game vs the comedy style game even though I know thats what made the original a classic. But come on who wouldn't want a level where your creeping along a hedge maze and then all sudden some maniac with a chainsaw just cuts right through and chasing you and when you think hes alone another cuts you off and you get that feeling of "shit what do I do?!?!?!" Or out running giant sand worms (tremors style).Only thing that would have to go is the giant baby. Outside of that do it up.
VOTE and determine the winner!