"Official": Sanctioned by Digital Press. Whatever that means.
"Moderated": Under constant review by the OP. That's me.
"Definitive": Because of the previous two things.

We've danced around this subject so many times over the years but as the VETERAN gamers most of you are, we need something like this much more than a "What are you playing today" thread. What we're looking for are games that you KNOW are good and you KNOW have been overlooked. And the purpose of this thread is to turn someone who has played "everything" on to something they've never played before. We've all missed nooks and crannies in our gaming along the way - let's fill them in.

- games from third party manufacturers on highly dominated first-party consoles.
- quality games on systems not considered quality systems.
- games that probably get passed over because they have words like "football", "racer", or "super" in the title.
- games that flew under the radar.
- strange games from Japan, even arcade games.
- games as far back as Pong and as recent as last month's releases, somehow overshadowed by bigger hype or bad timing.

Fair warning: this is going to be a moderated thread. If you post a game suggestion that I think most people know about, I'm going to delete it. This doesn't reflect badly on you in any way - in fact, no one will even know it happened. You'll just have wasted a few minutes of your time. Don't let that happen... don't try to slip Vib Ribbon or Gunstar Heroes past me, because everyone knows those are good games that were once overlooked. THIS community never overlooked them.

Also note that if you simply comment on a previous title without offering one of your own, your post will be deleted. This thread is meant to be a repository for those looking for something "new" without having to browse through countless musings on the merits of - for another example - River City Ransom. Comment away! Just be sure to add something to the mix.

So without further ado, I pass this thread along to our esteemed community.