Ok. My girlfriend loves NES, SNES, and Sega. Her Sega works intermittently, her NES toaster never works, and she doesn't have a SNES...

I want to get her one of those Yobo or comparable systems to save space, but I'm lost as there are so many.

I liked the FC Trio as it has NES/SNES/Genesis in one package... but I can't find one anywhere nor do I know what controllers it uses.

I know Yobo makes a system that JUST plays NES that uses NES controllers, then the FC Twin (NES/Genesis i think) that uses Genesis controllers, then the other one that is NES/SNES that uses SNES controllers.

So, maybe this could be the end-all be-all thread of these aftermarket systems? All the specs, models, etc? I can't be the only one so confused!