Its a shame that no one mentioned Trolls on treasure island - that game is just so much fun its rediculous...

River city Ransom is definitly on the top of the list along with Super Dodge Ball

Battle toads is a lot of fun but its almost unplayable with 2 people because you cant get past level 3 - unless you cheat

I had a lot of fun with the 3 stooges back in the day - Mini games rule!

I really liked the 2 player ability in little ninja bros.

Mario Bros is awesome 2 player

Archon is just great but I play it all the time and its hard to find good competition!

Danny Sulivan's Indy Heat is hands down my favorite Racing game on the NES 1 player is good - 2 player is great - 4 player is unbelieveable!

Qix gets a nod but its nothing special because its the NES version

The rest are already on the list and covered!