Since G4 has been on for awhile and those of us who get it have had plenty of time to decide which shows we like, what shows are part of your regular viewing schedule? Hard as it is to believe, I don't have it on 24/7. The shows I do try to watch these days...

Judgment Day--This is the show where Victor Lucas and Tommy Tallarico review games. I don't always agree with them, of course, but I find they are usually pretty entertaining. They also host another show, The Electric Playground, which I haven't seen much...but I may try to catch it more. is the show with 3 hosts where they preview games, invite developers in to chat about their upcoming games, have people call-in and also discuss what people are saying in the chatrooms at G4. They also have some host challenges where 2 of the 3 (sometimes all 3) will battle each other in a game and the loser has to suffer some consequence (kiss a raw fish, eat a hot dog with all kinds of disgusting condiments, get pies in the face, etc.)

Starcade--I hadn't seen it for awhile but lately I see they're showing some episodes I haven't seen so I'm starting to watch it again. There's another game-based game show from Britain they show that I enjoy but I don't recall the name of that one.

Filter--I don't see every episode but it's fun when I do. I noticed a few weeks ago that host Diane Mezota is also now doing a teen version of Trading Places that NBC airs on Saturday mornings.

Pulse--Their news show. It needs to be on more often (like all their shows, it has one new episode a week) but I find it interesting.

Shows I've never really gotten into are Sweat, Blister, Portal and most of the British imports. The others I may try to watch once in awhile.