Quote Originally Posted by japster View Post
Yep - I liked it too - Immensely - Was obviously written by a fan of the good ol' C64 (Still got mine, with all the extras, and an MMC64.. ...oh, and another 40-50 at present ...and no, I'm not Bullsh*tting - Though erm... I may have bought one or two many! ) - Mind you, I didn't know Mayhem had written that article!...

...However.... What was with the Screenshots montage? - AARRGH!! - The C64 has FANTASTIC colours, but the whole thing was just a wash of grey, purple, and green!!! - I doubt it did Mayhem's hard work justice, and if anything, would have turned people off the good 'ol C64!!! - Grrr... As an avid RG subscriber and regular retro event attendee, I was *soooo* close to writing in an' having a moan, especially as the Speccie article got nice, vibrant colours on it's montage! (Hmmm... Bias? -Nooooo... I'd like to think it was just that the printers got it wrong... )
Thanks... always nice to hear compliments on your work. Many people don't know my real name heh... though it does get included at the start of every piece I do in RG. As for the screenshots, the same fate befell them as did the ones in the Vectrex piece, the transfer from PNG/GIF over to the colour scheme used in printing didn't go very well sadly...