Quote Originally Posted by NE146 View Post
As I've said before.. I gave up "taking sides" during the bloody 5200 vs. Colecovision wars But yeah the PS3 doesn't interest me right now.. I mean, it's just too expensive!! The wife and I are working professionals so it's not a question of affordibility, it's the principle of the matter. I just really do balk at that price for a console. Call it consumer conditioning over the past 25 years.
The thing is, the ps3 price doesnt sound nearly as outrageous as the launch price of other consoles like the 3do or intellivision, and yeah those consoles failed miserably, but they dont have the support that the ps3 has.

And then there is the matter of the prices of the games. The old carts (atari, nes, snes, n64) stayed expensive forever because of how much it costs just to make the carts, much more expensive than discs. Atari and NES carts sold for $50 each, and that would be close to double in todays dollars. In terms of the games, todays games are a total bargain compared to 20 or 30 years ago, and i am just talking about msrp. The GH games makes these last few generations MUCH easier to play games at an affordable price.

That being said, the "big deal" about it is it's obviously 2006/2007 cutting edge.

tell that to the Wii. tho i guess it does some cutting edge things like the downloads and whatnot. My point is that it doesnt blow anyone away with its graphics

which is funny since it really wasn't all that long ago where it seemed most any gaming forum here or elsewhere (or IRC) was full of people cheerleading for the demise of Nintendo! Remember when that was prevalant? What happened to NintendoDiesScreaming for example?
You know, i dont remember this at all tho i dont go to all that many videogame message boards except for cag, i assume you are talking about the n64? or the gamecube? those consoles didnt do all that well asside from the first party games. But nintendo's big moneymaker has always been the handhelds. And literally all of those have been a huge success.