Here is alot clearer picture of the cart.. Learned lots about my digital camera tonight! The things we teach ourselves when money is on the line...

On the front of the cart, the couple little 'dirt marks' aren't dirt marks at all, they are actually part of the silver label that blockbuster used to put on the back of the cart which was long enough to wrap around the cart to a small portion of the front of the cart. If you weren't lucky, some idiot employee would put that OVER the paper label which meant it would NEVER come off without removing the entire label... This baby was lucky! Which makes one of you even LUCKIER!

The back of the cart has the 'remnants' of one of those security stickers on it...

Now don't get me wrong, I could googone ALL of that and make it a completely clean cart, but I think leaving the label in tact makes it a little more authentic... CMON, how many of us rented games from blockbuster and HATED that stupid security sticker! But, nonetheless I think I'll leave that up to the person that buys the cart. Give me all of your thoughts on that one...

Thanks! - D