Did I just say what you think I said? YES!
That's right I'm building portable NESs.
" So what so special about that?" you may ask. "Others have already done it before." This is true. I'm not the first, but I'm one of the first having built the an all inclosed one back in the summer 1999. The other major difference is I hope to build and sell these. I absolutely love the old NES and would love to be able to make these on a regular basis. However, unless I start getting requests for them, I'm afraid that I can't afford to do more than make one every now and then when I get the chance. The first one of the second gen of these boxes has been finished and sold, and I'm starting on the second as we speak, but as I said, unless I start getting requests for these I can't justify taking time out of my college carrear to make these on a regular basis, and I'd be stuck making one or two here and there whenever I get free time.
