I'm not trying to open up a can of worms like the last time I broached the Dreamcast subject, so this one should be pretty open and shut, I hope.

1. Do the "Not For Resale" games have anything special on the case / inserts? Or are the cases identical to the regular ones (i.e. the "Not For Resale" is printed solely on the disc)?

2. Sega All Stars versions... I notice that most of the ones I have (Virtua Tennis, NHL 2K, NFL 2k, Bass Fishing, THPS) have a round circle on the disc that says "Sega All Stars". However, the copies of NFL 2k1 and NBA 2k1 I bought at EB in the SAS case do NOT have these marks. I looked through a stack of another 20 or so disc only copies today, and none of them had the SAS circle on them either (though some had NFR printed, hence my first question). Is this just because EB put standard games in the SAS cases or what?

Thanks for any and all help.