while flipping channels I just so happened to stop on comodey central. This show was on I had never seen before called "Mind of Mencia" and he has this session on the show called "R.I.P." where he has a "small person" with a huge DK style hammer destroy various "out of date" items. He had pagers, fax machines, phones with cordes, etc, but one of them was an N64. The funny thing was when he took it out to be destroyed, the audience had a reaction sorta like "no, tell me hes gonna destroy a perfectly working game system?!" infact, it took 3 blows from the hammer until it was damaged, it held up pretty well! and everytime it was hit the audience shouted "NO!". He made a comment about how poor homeless kids in some country (cant remember name) would send it back if they received it as a gift.

Some of you may find this pointless, but some of you might find this interesting as to how people that arent even hardcore collectors/gamers will still stick up for our "older systems" (I wouldent call N64 retro as of yet).