Quote Originally Posted by Tron 2.0
Any body here have thoughts on Solomon's Key?

Every time i see it mention the reponse is the, NES version was better 'then the arcade one
From what I could tell, the arcade version played pretty identically to the NES version, but looked way better. I haven't compared them side-by-side, but ever since I played the arcade version (in the MAME club!!!), I immediately decided it was better, and I haven't played the NES version since.

When I read the topic, the first thing I thought was "U.N. Squadron". Have you guys noticed that most of what you're mentioning are Capcom games? There's this running theme with Capcom in that period where several home releases were significantly more fleshed-out than their arcade counterparts. Look at Willow for a freaking rediculous example. 1943 is another example. I had actually heard that Nintendo was requiring some third-party developers to spruce up their arcade titles in order to give people a reason to purchase them instead of just going to the arcade to play them, but no one has really confirmed that.