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Thread: Saturn link cable?

  1. #1
    ServBot (Level 11) Iron Draggon's Avatar
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    Default Saturn link cable?

    I just got Hyper Reverthion and the Steeldom box set with the link cable, and I'm wondering how rare the link cable is. Not very many games support it, so were very many of the cables made? I know there's also a Gun Griffon 2 box set that comes with the cable, but what other games support it, and did they all come in box sets with the cable as well?

    P.S.: Anyone in the Houston area with a Saturn and a copy of Gun Griffon 2 or Steeldom wanna see about hooking up for some link games? Somehow I think the only way that I'm ever gonna get any use out of this cable will be to buy another Saturn, another import converter, and another copy of Gun Griffon 2 and Steeldom, but at least I do have the link cable, so if it is rare I won't have to search for one!
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  2. #2
    Bell (Level 8)
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    I've seen Steeldom sold without the cable just liek regular release... I'm guessing others will have regular release as well along with box set...

  3. #3
    ServBot (Level 11) Steven's Avatar
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    I knew Gebockers supports it. Just got that game in, will play it in a few days...

  4. #4
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    I only used the link-cable once for Doom, but as the Saturn-version of Doom plays horrible it wasn't a great experience. I still would love to get two copies of Gun Griffon 2 to have more fun with the link-cable.

    I still love the idea behind link-cable gmes, sadly the support is mainly bad (except for the X-Box)

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