Greetings, programs. I'm Earl Green, languishing in the economic backwater that is western Arkansas. I first dropped by here out of curiosity about eight or nine months ago, having already visited the DP site semi-frequently, and now this is just about the only part of the site I visit - go figure!

For me, pinning down one specific favorite game is like trying to nail smoke to the wall. In the arcades, I have to give the top honors to two incredibly obscure titles: the forgotten SNK/Rock-Ola classic Fantasy and the best (but also likely most obscure) of the Mr. Do! games, Do! Run Run. At home, my all-time favorite still remains the mighty Odyssey 2, for which I have a darn near complete collection (and I don't mind tell you I'm proud of that). I also collect for the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Intellivision, ColecoVision and Apple II. I'm also getting a good head start on an NES collection as well. I have a Playstation, but got it primarily to play good ports of the classic arcade games (i.e. Namco Museum, etc.) and the updated remakes of them. Same goes for the Game Boy Color that goes with me everywhere. So I'm an old fogey.

In real life, I'm a TeeVee news promo writer in an exceedingly small market, working for an ABC station. The hours are frequently long (and they get even longer due to circumstances I can't control and with little notice), and there's a lot of downtime followed by huge rushes of activity - very much the "hurry up and wait" thing that a lot of people mention in regard to TV. I also maintain and write most of the material for, my own little web site (well, okay, not so little), which covers everything from science fiction to video games to soundtracks to vintage sci-fi-related toys - everything a growing geek like me needs. I also do some outside web work (including at the TV station, for whose site I do non-national updates), run a small video business whose main purpose is to convert PAL videotapes to NTSC and vice versa, and I also do a fair chunk of writing for All Game Guide and This Is Not News. I've also written for Classic Gamer Magazine, where my challenge to an early issue's assertion that "the Odyssey 2 is there to give the Atari and Intellivision fans something to laugh at" led to me becoming the on-staff Odyssey Evangelist.

I'm married to a woman who spends a huge amount of money raising horses, and we have three cuddly kitties between us, two of which live in my own room of doom, guarding my collection while I'm gone at work.

Whew. I think that about covers it.