My turn, my turn!!

I'm Jaime, 24, from Maine, and a GIRL thankyouverymuch (Darn androgyneous name!!)
First system I ever played was the Atari 2600 back in the day. Seems we fought over whose turn it was next more than we actually played, when I think back! One of the banes of having to share with four siblings =) However, we eeked in enough game time to pull the rubber coating off all the joysticks we owned.
We didn't get our next system until about 6 months after the NES debuted, as a birthday present for my oldest brother. Ahh.. the joys of SMB! Once he hit puberty, he discovered the job of taking his gaming rage out on the console, and we quickly went through four consecutive consoles until he decided NOT to wear his boots when playing anymore.
I don't collect much, more for financial reasons than anything else, so I'm a gamer if you need a label. You'll most likely find me spamming the HECK out of the off-topic forum, but I like to add my two cents in other places now and then.
Okay, who's next?