Alright, so I found a Microsoft Sidewinder Dual Strike controller at Value Village today for the low low price of $3... it was unique enough that I figured I'd buy it. Luckily for me, it works perfectly in Linux.

The problem now becomes: What the hell do I use it for? The controller has an odd hinge in the middle, and twisting the two halves of the controller are what acts as the X and Y axis for games, and the pad on the left acts as a hat. I'm not sure what Microsoft had in mind when they made this (Flight sims?), but it certainly doesn't work well for Berzerk. It works decently well for Star Wars, although it's a little cumbersome... can anyone recommend some MAME games that might work well with this contraption? (Forget PC games... my computer is ancient and I don't run Windows, so they're a no-go).
