Hi Folks,

I ran across this on Ebay:


It says Kisado, but, if I'm not mistaken, that's not a kisado, right?

From what I understand, there are several types of adaptors to play Japanese games on an American system (besides getting a Japanese system or having a switch installed, which I want to avoid like the plague).

So let's see, there's the kisado, the diving board type (are there different styles of this?), the one in the ebay auction, the new type on tzd.com, and maybe others.

Did I miss any? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type? I hear some work with some systems and not others. I also hear some work sometimes or that they are moody.

What's the official word on all of this? Furthermore, if I am aiming to play Japanese games on a duo, how should I proceed? Do European games work onan American system w/o an adapter?

Sorry for 100,000 questions!


