Space harriers last release was the PS2 simple set from SEGA.
A 3d do on of Space-Harriers.

Now if you ever wanted to get high on "Queen" ( the band ) or something that sounds like a
weird Japanese commercial, and not see the back-side of a guy, while riding on anything but
a panzer-dragon, you must play "Air Twisters".

I mean it is almost the way games need to be. With the colors and life the
Mark III/ Master System that we all remember from games like "Fantasy Zone".

Yes there is some reality, with bland washed out colors, to our heroine screaming in
pain like if she stepped on a needle. However the rest of everything makes up
for it.

However in comparison the gameplay to "Space Harriers" is a lot easier, as the
game originaly was an iOS game.

The only sad part is that I am not playing this on a Wii. With the Wii board and or