Actually, I know that the Facebook thing turns a lot of people off, but at the same time, you have to admit that it adds a huge dose of credibility to the whole concept of Virtual Reality headsets as a real product for consumers. At first, we just had this small start up, Oculus Rift, that was trying to evangelize about the return of Virtual Reality to the gaming industry. Sure, they made some noise here and there, but did anybody really stand up and take notice ?

Then you had Sony come out last week with Project Morpheus, and at that point, obviously we know that this is a real thing, and that this is going to be coming to a theatre near you pretty soon, if you know what I'm talking about. Sony isn't going to spend millions of dollars researching this thing, to not release an actual consumer product. VR is back, and it's here to stay.

Then, yesterday, the huge bomb that was dropped, that Facebook purchased OR for 2 billion dollars.

Despite the Facebook factor, the fact that 2 billion dollars was spent says a huge amount about the power of Virtual Reality. Mark Zuckerberg tried a demo of the Oculus Rift, and he walked away from the demo thinking to himself.... " I'm buying this company. Virtual Reality is going to be HUGE! I've got to have this company. This is going to revolutionize entertainment, and I'm going to take advantage of the situation and snatch up this company".

He spent 2 billion, which isn't exactly a drop in the bucket. But the thing is, that's how powerful that demonstration was. I've yet to be anywhere near an Oculus Rift demo kit, so I have no idea what the sensation is like. Maybe it's absolutely amazing. Maybe it will really change the way we experience all entertainment. Who knows, but I can tell you one thing. It sure as hell is going to be interesting. It's nice to have the VR from the 90's resurrect like this. I remember when Sega was talking about a VR headset, and Atari Jaguar was going to have a VR headset, etc, etc. Obviously, those efforts were about 20 years before their time, and now, their time has come.

Well, at least in 2015 one of these things should be available at retailers.