Fascinating and all that but I think it's fair enough to wait to see what comes with E3 before condemning the WiiU to death let alone eating that shit sandwich that the 3DS is floundering which is clearly isn't. Nintendo since the SNES has always put out older hardware or at the least limited (GC to mini discs vs DVDs) hardware which has put them in a spot. N64 really started it with the carts versus CD mess that probably should have killed them and well the Wii was no PS3 by a long shot. I know it's cool to dump on anything having a hard time, especially if you're not a fan, or were a fan who got fed up with the bullshit but my experience has always been to keep an open mind for 2 years on the market, then see if things are up shit creek or not before calling it a day. I think had Wii U been properly named, advertised, priced where it is now at launch, and had mainly third parties given it equal support it would be a different picture but that's too late to matter now as it's just not a pretty picture.