Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
I'm sure I've mentioned it before but I was angry with them when their cashiers couldn't accept cash as a payment for a DVD under $10 total. It's cash, what type of business won't accept it?
That is rather odd considering they are legally obligated to accept cash, unless you tried to pay with pennies.

I would have probably confirmed my order after this "first edition bundle early release" stuff was announced. I have almost zero interest in the Vita and even I was aware of this. It doesn't excuse the blind policy-following of the store, though. These people are just not hired or paid to think for themselves. That is the driving idea behind chain stores and franchises.

I am definitely not one to settle for blind recitation of policy. I've been challenging these people since I was young, returning a crappy, opened N64 game to Best Buy, or that copy of Win95 that didn't work on my system. I still remember returning a partially used bottle of vitamins to Target. The cashier was adamant that I could not return it opened until I read her the text on the bottle that claimed you could return any unused portion for a full refund. These people working at retail stores just do what they are told, without any critical thinking.