All right, so I've officially decided on the video cards I'm going to purchase here in a couple weeks. Now I have a dilemma I've since thought decided on, but am now coming back to.

Basically here's the deal: Do I keep one of my three GTS 250s in for PhysX (GTX 550 Ti 2-way SLI + PhysX card), or take it out, and put in a dedicated sound card (GTX 550 Ti 2-way SLI + sound card)?

Batman: Arkham City is really the only game I own at the moment that would need the dedicated PhysX card, as Arkham Asylum and Dark Void will likely be pushing 60 FPS with everything (PhysX included) set to max settings. Though I do plan on buying Metro 2033 (another PhysX game) eventually, and I would need the dedicated PhysX card just to try to stay above 40 FPS (if even that).

Not too mention that taking out the graphics card (currently using 3-way SLI) would put less strain on my power supply (650w).