Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Megas View Post
I didn't realize that The AVGN wasn't partnered with youtube. That's really weird considering some of the people who are. I've watched a few more of your videos since you've responded and I'm happy to see that the rant was an isolated thing. I appreciate you being pleasant about the whole (iJustine) thing; I was worried that you might get overly defensive when I offered my thoughts on it.

In any event, I was really wondering about something you said a few times. I'm not trying to rehash the iJustine thing (really), but I was wondering what you meant when you said that she was "milking money out of fans". How does she, or anyone on youtube, do this, exactly? I've never paid a dime to watch any youtube content, nor have I been charged anything to subscribe to any channels. So then, how is it possible for anyone on youtube to "milk money from fans/viewers?"

AFAIK, Ultraneko actually asked for donations which were supposed to go towards her show, but she ended up taking the money and running. Did this Justine girl do the same sort of thing?

I'll put the whole iJustine matter to rest now. Thanks again for keeping it civil.
No problem there, it's a strange situation and all. She likes to make all these new channels where she sends or commands her fans to a new page in order get money from her new ads. It was pretty clear this time she only made a gaming channel cause is was a popular subject and not because she's serious about it. Yeah, I kinda look like a badguy in the video I did and maybe the choice of words were a bit too extreme but I wasn't the only one upset that she earned a instant partnership program to earn cash when others like us wait years or never get the ability to make a dime despite knowing more about the subject matter. She also likes to beg for subscribers, comments, and ratings every chance she gets which is similar to what Ultraneko did there. Normally I'd let iJustine reply to these comments but she wouldn't give us any of us the time of day. Yeah, I could have whined and cried here to get my point across I guess but maybe it was the name Emperor Megas itself (from Valis II for the Turbografx-16 CD 1990 of course) that made me mark out.