If you're not willing to invest a ton of editing and writing time in the videos, at least do a few things that will greatly improve the quality and only take a small initial investment in time:

Create a quick opening video sequence telling people what the channel or videos are about, and paste that at the beginning of each. Possibly create a few different ones for each video type.

Use brighter lighting when recording, and correct the white balance on your camera. Get an external mic if you can afford it (which I'm sure you can, judging by all the stuff you buy)

Try not to sound like a thug when talking to the camera. Omit as much slang as possible.

Write a quick script (at least mentally) for what you intend to say. Structure it better so it's not just, "look at what I bought off ebay, it's really cool, okay thanks bai." If a video isn't at least a couple minutes long, make it a combined video with another item.

Put more freakin' effort into these, or stop promoting them like they're this big deal. There's enough quality youtube video makers out there already that there's little reason for anyone to watch these in particular. Give people a reason.