Quote Originally Posted by delf View Post
I heard that it was a letdown last year, due to circumstances beyond OEGE's control (can't recall the details).
Well, telling the public about the event seemed beyond their control, apparently. Calling vendors up and reminding them to show up must have been beyond their control, also. Putting up a single sign to let people know where the hell the show is supposed to be held was also obviously beyond their control too.

Last year, it was just a group of us sitting around at empty vendor tables chewing the fat. Four vendors showed up; Vintage Stock, Phosphor Dot Fossils, a board game seller, and a manga/action figure seller. So we hung out with Earl at the PDF table. Out of sheer sadness I eventually bought some 3DO games from the meager selection of stuff Vintage Stock brought with them. I doubt the board game or action figure vendors made a dime there. But we all did get a lot of free Monster energy drinks out of the deal. Flack got two cases!

Last year had to be a serious learning experience for them, so I'm hoping this year it'll turn out much better. Since there's not much of a chance of it turning out worse. They'll at least try a little harder to get the public notified, and maybe they'll get in a fifth vendor! Whooo hooo! We're having fun now!

I'm hoping we can talk some folks into bringing some arcade cabs to the show, maybe get 98PaceCar to set up a game console retrospective/museum. One reason I'd like to go to these types of events is to see something that I've never seen or played before. And maybe have the opportunity to buy some stuff that I don't have in my collection. Neither of those happened at last year's show. So I'm hoping it'll be this year that they get their act together.