Quote Originally Posted by ButtonMasher123 View Post
Honestly, I think properly cleaning the games with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol can go a long way towards making any NES reliable again. When I brought out my NES from being in storage for a while I couldn't get any of my games to work, but as I cleaned each one of them thoroughly I began to see better results.
i agree, my uncle had had an NES from eons ago when he was a kid and he finally gave it to me. The unit worked fine, i guess, but none of the games would work on the first try, and I would have to slam them into the unit and keep them at the very very frontmost part of the system (like have it sticking out a centimeter from the plastic lip, then push down so it snaps violently into place, making a loud springing sound. After finally buying some Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol (Market Basket brand) every game works like a charm, most dont have to be slammed down, and the NES works like new!